Get a free 30-day trial of any Dr.Web product to make sure it's right for you. Purchase full version Migrate from a similar product by another vendor, and purchase any Dr.Web anti-virus at 50% off the regular price. A special offer is also available for service providers, and educational and health-care institutions. System administrator emergency kit Free Dr.Web utilities (decryption utilities, Windows unlockers, and other useful software) help administrators working in the field. Add Dr.Web to your system administrator emergency kit! Profit with us! Does your company provide computer repair services? Is your business related to information technologies? Do your customers need reliable anti-virus protection? Become a Dr.Web online reseller. For web sites Informers and Dr.Web online scanner web-forms, graphical materials, and partnership offers for website owners. Virus top five Current information about the most widespread viruses, updated real-time. Search Dr.Web virus database Doctor Web security researches have detected numerous Google Play applications containing an advertising module. The module incorporated into these applications serves to display aggressive advertisements and monetize free software. Once these applications are installed on Android tablets or smartphones, users can fall victim to annoying advertising messages that eventually make working with a device difficult. Doctor Web security researchers have discovered a dangerous Trojan for Android devices. This malware tries to acquire root privileges to stealthily download, install, or remove applications upon cybercriminals’ command. Moreover, this malicious program gathers detailed information about the infected mobile device and sends it to the virus makers. In addition to it, this Trojan can display annoying advertisements. Doctor Web security researchers have examined a new Trojan that can infect computers with Linux operating system. This malicious program possesses the ability to scan remote websites for vulnerabilities and to attack resources with the specified addresses over HTTP protocol. Cybercriminals can control the Trojan using the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) text-messaging protocol.
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Get a free 30-day trial of any Dr.Web product to make sure it's right for you. Purchase full version Migrate from a similar product by another vendor, and purchase any Dr.Web anti-virus at 50% off the regular price. A special offer is also available for service providers, and educational and health-care institutions. System administrator emergency kit Free Dr.Web utilities (decryption utilities, Windows unlockers, and other useful software) help administrators working in the field.